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In 'Providing world-class school education : research conference 2002 proceedings', pages 46-53. Melbourne : ACER


Many countries have envisaged a significant role for information and communications technologies (ICT) in their education systems. For example, in Australia one of the goals in the declaration of the Ministerial Council on Education, Training and Youth Affairs on national goals for schooling stated that students should be confident, creative and productive users of new technologies and understand the impact of those technologies on society. A national action plan, Learning in an Online World, has set three priority areas for development making available connections of sufficient bandwidth to allow schools to integrate online services into curriculum practice; providing effective pre-service education and ongoing development for teachers, and developing high quality online content. An information gateway provides access to relevant resource materials. However, even among innovative schools there is a wide variation in the ways in which ICT is utilised. In most countries there are a few schools that have been innovative in using ICT to change teaching practices. The IEA project, the Second International Technology in Education Study (SITES) Module 2 (M2) is a study of innovative teaching practices that are supported by the use of ICT.