
Group of national experts on the AHELO feasibility study : revised interim feasibility report : 9th meeting of the AHELO GNE, Paris, 19-20 March 2012

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This document was prepared by the ACER Consortium.


This report presents interim evaluative insights arising from design, development and evaluation of the Assessment of Higher Education Learning Outcomes (AHELO) Feasibility Study. The report draws together materials from a wide range of sources, and from work that is currently underway. It is designed to provide high level information for the OECD IMHE Governing Board and Education Policy Committee. This report draws heavily on a much longer July Interim Feasibility Report (AHELO Consortium, 2011). The July report incorporated feedback from hundreds of stakeholders, document research and conceptual design, and empirical testing to date. This report took stock of progress at that time, and made formative suggestions for the remainder of the study. This Revised Interim Feasibility Report also references numerous operational documents produced since June 2011.

Place of Publication

