Discover - School education
Closing the development gap: understanding the education experience of girls and women
Publication Date
education and development, girls education, school education
Innovative research by ACER to help combat gender disparities in education in the ASEAN region.
The ASEAN region has some of the greatest disparity in educational outcomes in the world. Generally, gender gaps in education outcomes have closed in the ASEAN region, and in some countries have been reversed. This story of progress is the result of decades of investment in gender equity initiatives.
Challenges persist that constrain girls and women from realising their full potential across the lifespan. Support is needed to enable girls and women to capitalise on their education opportunities.
Recommended Citation
Spink, J., & Wong, D. (2024, November 15). Closing the development gap: understanding the education experience of girls and women. Discover. https://www.acer.org/au/discover/article/closing-the-development-gap-understanding-the-education-experience-of-girls-and-women
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Copyright Australian Council for Educational Research 2024
Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
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