Discover - School education
Strengthening education in the Pacific
Publication Date
Pacific Islanders, Primary education
ACER is working with partners to improve quality and equity in learning in the Pacific Islands.
Students in the Pacific Islands face challenges to their learning. Recent research has shown that almost half of Year 4 and 6 students are not meeting minimum proficiency levels in reading. Those from disadvantaged backgrounds are at greater risk of lower learning outcomes.
Recommended Citation
Cassity, E., Sprink, J., & Wendiady J. (2024) 'Strengthening education in the Pacific', Discover, ACER. https://www.acer.org/au/discover/article/strengthening-education-in-the-pacific
Copyright Statement
All rights reserved. Please address any requests to reproduce information to communications@acer.org
Place of Publication
Melbourne, Australia
Australian Council for Educational Research(ACER)
English, English
Geographic Subject
Pacific region