Publication Date



Demography, Grade repetition, Primary school students


Information Bulletin / Australian Council for Educational Research ; n.17

Digitised in 2022 from a print copy held by the ACER library


The three investigations reported here deal with three aspects of the grade placement of children of the same age. Originally, they were carried out as independent projects, but as the conclusions became obvious it was seen that they were really closely related. The first attempts to answer the question "How many children pass through all stages of primary education without repeating a stage?”. The second compares the achievements in reading skills of children in the same grade but of different ages. The third is purely factual and compares the performances of children who are repeating a grade with those of children doing the work for the first time. None of these investigations may be considered as conclusive evidence; however, the results are sufficiently alarming especially when considered together, to suggest a more detailed longitudinal study of existing practice and its effect on the children concerned. [Introduction, ed] In general children repeating a grade show a lower average achievement than that of children in the same grade. The children repeating showed significantly lower achievement in word usage and boys in reading for meaning. In no test for which results were examined did they show a significantly higher achievement. [p.18, ed]

Place of Publication

Camberwell, Australia