LSAY Research Reports

Participation in and progress through new apprenticeships.

John Ainley, ACER
Matthew Corrigan, ACER

Longitudinal surveys of Australian youth research report ; n.44


New Apprenticeships provide a pathway from school to adult working life for a significant proportion of each cohort of young people and thus make a potentially important contribution to the formation of skills for individuals and for the community as a whole. New Apprenticeships are based on a formal combination of study and work that links learning in the workplace with learning in an educational institution. They incorporate both traditional apprenticeships and traineeships. This report focuses on two broad research questions : What are the characteristics of young people who commence a New Apprenticeship overall, as well as of those in traditional apprenticeships or traineeships separately and those in different fields of training? What are the points of entry to and patterns of progress through New Apprenticeships? [p.v]