Events from 2025
Research Conference 2025 - Transforming learning systems: Conference abstract book, Australian Council for Educational Research
Submissions from 2024
GEM Centre: Completion Report for Phase 3 Funding, 2020–2023, Australian Council for Educational Research
India's education system must prioritise learning over infrastructure, Ashu Kapoor
Policy brief. Foundational literacy and numeracy: Using learning assessment data in the Asia-Pacific region, Adeola Monty
The Scottish Government International Development Fund: Designing a new International Development inclusive education programme, Alexander Towne and Desmond Bermingham
Education Out Loud Case Study: The GEAR Alliance, Alexander Towne, Sladana Krstic, and Sam Boering
Education Out Loud case study: School for Life, Alexander Towne, Sladana Krstic, and Jolanda Butler
Education Out Loud Case Study: IID, Alexander Towne, Sladana Krstic, and Miriam Linder
Submissions from 2023
Policy brief: Teacher professional development for students with disability in the Asia-Pacific, Syeda Kashfee Ahmed and Anannya Chakraborty
Equity and equality in learning in Asia-Pacific: What do results from large-scale assessments tell us? Gender in focus policy brief, Syeda Kashfee Ahmed, Anna Dabrowski, Jacqueline Cheng, Victoria Klimova, and Isabella McCallum
Policy brief: Investigating school-based programs that support student mental health and psychosocial wellbeing in low- and middle-income countries, Syeda Kashfee Ahmed, Anna Dabrowski, and Katherine Dix
Engaging young female students in digital technology programs: Part one, Sarah Buckley, Syeda Kashfee Ahmed, Kristy Osborne, Celia McNeilly, Shani Sniedze, and Rachel Felgate
Analysis of early childhood education and learning outcomes in the Pacific, Dan Cloney, Yung Nietschke, and Jeffery Marshall
Contributing to continuity: Supporting children to progress in their learning across our education system, Jenny Donovan
Policy brief: Monitoring and evaluating global citizenship education in the Asia-Pacific region, Payal Goundar and Rachel Parker
Community-driven, technology-assisted support for Erub Mer language and early literacy in the Torres Strait: Practice and policy, Sarah Groom and Lala Gutchen (Erub)
HALT Certification: Reducing the workload, increasing the rigour and cutting the cost, Lawrence Ingvarson and Hilary Hollingsworth
Building a Continuity of Learning Framework: What is it and why does it matter?, Larissa McLean-Davies
Technology in education: a case study on Lao People's Democratic Republic, Yung Nietschke and Anna Dabrowski
Summary report. Being and becoming global citizens: Measuring progress toward SDG 4.7. Phase I: Monitoring teacher and school readiness to enact global citizenship in the Asia-Pacific region, Rachel Parker, Jennie Chainey, Payal Goundar, Sarah Richardson, Anna Dabrowski, Amy Berry, and Claire Scoular
Focus on strengthening transitions using the Early Years Assessment and Learning Tool, Pippa Procter
Panel discussion: Strengthening the transitions from early childhood to primary, Pippa Procter, Dan Cloney, Sarah Hurcombe, and Rowena Shirtcliff
A policy monitoring framework to prepare for, respond to, and recover from education in emergencies, Pina Tarricone, Kemran Mestan, and Ian Teo
Submissions from 2022
Provisional Independent Technical Advisory Panel (ITAP): Lessons learned from the Pilot, Desmond Bermingham and Amit Kaushik
Teacher development multi-year studies: Impact of COVID-19 on teaching practices in Lao PDR, Timor-Leste and Vanuatu: A discussion paper for practitioners and policymakers, Aris Huang, Debbie Wong, Elizabeth Cassity, and Jennie Chainey
Learning Through Play at School: A Framework for Policy and Practice, Rachel Parker, Bo Stjerne Thomsen, and Amy Berry
A policy model for implementing online social moderation to develop professional learning standards, Pina Tarricone
Applying a new policy monitoring tool for education in emergencies, Pina Tarricone, Kemran Mestan, and Ian Teo
Learning recovery and addressing the learning crisis in the Asia Pacific: Policy brief, Pina Tarricone, Kemran Mestan, Ian Teo, and Yung Nietschke
Submissions from 2021
Teachers Report Card 2021: Teachers’ perceptions of education and their profession, Australian College of Educators
A new policy tool to help build resilient education systems, Australian Council for Educational Research
Marginalisation: Foundation Level, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Marginalisation: Practitioner level, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Inquiry-based science education in India: prospects and challenges, Garima Bansal
Vanuatu: Policy insights from a multi-year teaching and learning study series, Elizabeth Cassity and Debbie Wong
Timor-Leste: Policy insights from a multi-year teaching and learning study series, Jennie Chainey and Elizabeth Cassity
School-Based Mental Health Promotion and Early Intervention Programs in New South Wales, Australia: Mapping Practice to Policy and Evidence, Kristin R. Laurens, Linda J. Graham, Katherine Dix, Felicity Harris, Stacy Tzoumakis, Kate E. Williams, Jill M. Schofield, Traci Prendergast, Neale Waddy, Mary Taiwo, Vaughan J. Carr, and Melissa J. Green
COVID-19: the need for teacher development in critical thinking pedagogy, Maya Menon
Shortage of subject teachers: a festering wound in the Indian school system, Vimala Ramachandran
Enhancing the National Assessment System to Improve Learning Outcomes in Bhutan: Case Study 2020-2021, Anu Radha Sharma, Anannya Chakraborty, and Arjun Kumar Gurung
National Education Policy 2020: education opportunities after school completion, Jyoti Sharma and Prasad K. D. V. Yarlagadda
Building resilient education systems: A rapid review of the education in emergencies literature, Pina Tarricone, Kemran Mestan, and Ian Teo
A new policy tool to help build resilient education systems, Pina Tarricone, Ian Teo, and Kemran Mestan
Australia: PISA Australia—Excellence and Equity?, Sue Thomson
Teacher development multi-year studies. Emerging themes: Challenges and enablers, Debbie Wong and Elizabeth Cassity
Lao PDR: Policy insights from a multi-year teaching and learning study series, Debbie Wong and Hilary Hollingsworth
Submissions from 2020
International Early Learning and Child Well-Being Study, Australian Council for Educational Research
The Early Grade Reading Assessment: Assessing children’s acquisition of basic literacy skills in developing countries, Australian Council for Educational Research
Using data to improve learning: Engaging with policy and reform, Elizabeth Cassity, Tim Friedman, Jeaniene Spink, and Pauline Taylor-Guy
Fostering educational inclusion: reality far removed from policy, Ashu Kapur
Measuring what matters: Insights on the value of Whole Child Development, Porticus, Australian Council for Educational Research, Pina Tarricone, Yung Nietschke, and Kylie Hillman
Submissions from 2019
Education Planning: Foundation level, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Education planning: Practitioner level, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Key skills for the 21st century: An evidence-based review, Esther Doecke and Quentin Maire
The Southeast Asia Primary Learning Metrics Program: Thinking globally in a regional context, UNICEF and Southeast Asian Ministers of Education Organization (SEAMEO)
Images from 2018
Australia Awards alumni lead change in Chinese health and environment policy, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Country or Region Specific Analysis: Foundation level, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Country or Region Specific Analysis: Practitioner level, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Education Pathways: Foundation level, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Education Pathways: Practitioner level, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Education Sector Interconnections: Foundation level, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Education Sector Interconnections: Practitioner level, Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Buk bilong Pikinini Literacy Program Evaluation 2018: Evaluation Report, Dan Cloney and Prue Anderson
Australia Awards alumni lead change in Chinese health and environment policy, Daniel Edwards and Jo Doyle
Integrating the findings from the National Assessment of Student Achievement into the policy process: An experience from Nepal, Lekha Nath Poudel and Gopal Prasad Bhattarai
Challenges in STEM learning in Australian schools, Michael J. Timms, Kathryn Moyle, Paul R. Weldon, and Pru Mitchell
Challenges in STEM learning in Australian schools: Literature and policy review, Michael J. Timms, Kathryn Moyle, Paul R. Weldon, and Pru Mitchell
Development of Reporting Scales for Reading and Mathematics: A report describing the process for building the UIS Reporting Scales, Ross Turner, Ray Adams, Ursula Schwantner, Dan Cloney, Claire Scoular, Prue Anderson, Alexander Daraganov, Jen Jackson, Sandra Knowles, Gayl O'Connor, Pam Munro-Smith, Stavroula Zoumboulis, and Pauline Rogers
Submissions from 2017
Teachers report card: Teachers' perceptions of education and their profession, Australian College of Educators
Karmel Oration: Leading schools and school systems in times of change: A paradox and a quest, Toby Greany
Developing a strategy for quality pre-primary education for all and parenting education for ECCE - Policy options and road map, David Harding, Isabella Tirtowalujo, Sheldon Shaeffer, Dan Cloney, Gutama, Burhanuddin, Nurlaila Nuzulul Qurany, Widarmi Wijana, and Trevino Pakasi
Girls’ Primary and Secondary Education in Malawi: Sector Review: Final Report, Sally Robertson, Elizabeth Cassity, and Esthery Kunkwenzu
Submissions from 2016
The big picture : The impact of assessments on education policy
System-level assessment and educational policy, John Cresswell
Indigenous school attendance: Creating expectations that are ‘really high’ and ‘highly real’, Tony Dreise, Gina Milgate, Bill Perrett, and Troy Meston
Must try harder : An evaluation of the UK government’s policy directions in STEM education, Pauline Hoyle
Exploring the policy use of large-scale assessment data, Petra Lietz
Submissions from 2015
The big picture: The impact of assessments on education policy, ACER
Data to inform policy, Ray Adams
Evaluation of ICT in Education in Papua Province (ACDP-045): Final Report, Susanne Owen, John Hunt, Eda Simanjuntak, Eko Sediyono, Prapto Yuwono, Sri Yulianto, and Wigati Yektinintys Modouw
Using large-scale assessments of students' learning to inform education policy: Insights from the Asia-Pacific region, Mollie Tobin, Petra Lietz, Dita Nugroho, Ramya Vivekanandan, and Tserennadmid Nyamkhuu
Submissions from 2014
Uwezo: Monitoring children’s competencies in East Africa, ACER
Informing policy in developing countries, Petra Lietz and Mollie Tobin
Study on Teacher Absenteeism in Indonesia 2014, Phillip McKenzie, Dita Nugroho, Clare Ozolins, Julie McMillan, Sudarno Sumarto, Nina Toyamah, Vita Febriany, R Justin Sodo, Luhur Bima, and Armand Arief Sim
Teacher Absenteeism in Indonesia: Policy Brief, Phillip McKenzie, Dita Nugroho, Clare Ozolins, Julie McMillan, Sudarno Sumarto, Nina Toyamah, Vita Febriany, R Justin Sodo, Luhur Bima, and Armand Arief Sim
Learning Metrics Partnership: a capacity support and policy strengthening initiative to develop and use common learning metrics for mathematics and reading, UNESCO Institute for Statistics and ACER
Submissions from 2013
Informing policy and practice, John Ainley
The impact of national and international assessment programmes on education policy, particularly policies regarding resource allocation and teaching and learning practices in developing countries, Maura Best, Pat Knight, Petra Lietz, Craig Lockwood, Dita Nugroho, and Mollie Tobin
Informing policy in developing countries, Petra Lietz and Mollie Tobin
Submissions from 2011
School funding: Making the right policy choice, Bill Daniels
Current requirements for tertiary qualifications in early childhood education : implications for policy : final report, Glenn Rowley, Julie Kos, Bridie Raban, Marilyn Fleer, Joy Cullen, and Alison Elliott
Submissions from 2010
School socio-economic composition and student outcomes in Australia: Implications for educational policy, Laura Perry and Andrew McConney
Education and the law: A matter of policy, Virginia Sadler
Education and the law: A matter of policy, Virginia Sadler
Submissions from 2009
League tables, Ken Boston
Leadership that transforms schools, Brian J. Caldwell
Curriculum policy in South Australia since the 1970s: the quest for commonality, Cherry Collins and Lyn Yates
Lessons from the edge, Alison Handmer