Publication Date
Educational finance; Expenditure per student
This issue of the Quarterly Review of Australian Education Vol 1 No 1 1967, analyses expenditure on education by the Commonwealth and the states for the Period 1960-1966; expenditure on universities by states, 1959 to 1966; expenditure on technical education by all states, 1959 1966; expenditure on teacher training and schools by all states, 1960, 1963, 1966; expenditure on secondary education 1959 to 1966 as a percentage of total expenditure from educational budgets; annual per capita expenditure on Higher Education: All States - 1960, 1963, 1966; and cost per secondary student all states, 1953 and 1953.
Recommended Citation
Fitzgerald, R. T. (1967). Investment in education: A study of recent trends in expenditure. Quarterly Review of Australian Education, 1(1), 1-20.
Copyright Statement
Copyright Australian Council for Educational Research, 1967
Australian Council for Educational Research
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