"This changing world : technology, teaching and learning" by Greg Black

Teacher journal archive (2008-2011)

This changing world : technology, teaching and learning


We live in a world of constant change, where the rate of change is not just rapid, it is exponential, and it is becoming increasingly obvious that today's young learners are not the ones the systems and teachers were designed to teach. The other emergent factor is that learning now takes place much more outside of the classroom and in the workplace. Educators need to act fast to put learning and teaching with technology at the heart of Australia's schools and the teaching profession. There is a growing evidence base that embedding ICT in teaching and learning stimulates student interest and motivation, cognitive processing, independent learning, critical thinking and teamwork, at the same time as enhancing a student-centred learning approach. In 2008, a study entitled 'Educators and ICT usage' revealed teachers' personal and professional use of ICT, but also indicated that teachers are finding there are many barriers to a using ICT in their actual teaching. The author argues for the development and funding of new approaches to professional learning for teachers, including professional learning in online learning communities with teacher-created pedagogical resources and a powerful evidence base. The profession needs to seize the agenda and articulate a vision for learning and teaching that drives technology applications. [Author abstract, ed]

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