"School fetes" by Kate Harry and Leneen Forde

Teacher journal archive (2008-2011)

School fetes


The word 'fete' may leave many teachers feeling fatalistic and full of dread but most schools face the same issues. It is a good idea to begin with some collaborative and formal organisational decisions, ensuring that there is a 12-month planning cycle for the event. The first step is to establish a fete committee, then decide how long it will run, decide on a date, compile a checklist of items to consider and plan for. Every school owes a duty of care to persons invited to the school for a fete and the principal and school council can be held liable for any injury occurring on school premises. First aid arrangements need to be in place; do not allow children to handle money and be aware that laws offer protection to all volunteers involved. The school should also ensure that it has insurance in relation to the types of activities that are going to be held, such as rides, raffles, animals, food sales, and even fireworks. Relevant legislative requirements must be satisfied too, such as procuring a permit to hold raffles (a type of gambling). Food provision is also covered by legislative requirements and the use of fireworks should by only undertaken by a licensed pyrotechnician. Consideration must be given to fire safety measures and there must be a system for the collection of money from stall holders. Have a have a wet weather plan in place and a plan for the clean-up afterwards. Hold a debriefing meeting with all co-ordinators and organisers a few weeks afterwards. [Author abstract, ed]

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