Publication Date



Adult education, Adult vocational education, Higher education


Includes bibliographical references.


It cannot be denied that we will need more and more adult education in post-war Australia. There are many encouraging signs that the people of Australia are becoming aware of the deficiencies of their educational systems, and that reform and reconstruction, long overdue, will be bought about by the steady pressure of public opinion. There is a strong demand for a general raising of the school leaving age, for revised and better curricula, for better professional training for teachers, and for far more liberal provision of school buildings and equipment. And there is, fortunately, an increasingly strong demand for adult education. [p.10]

There should be established an Adult Education Board, preferably constituted by the state university and under the general control of the university authorities. Such a Board could consist of representatives of the teaching and administrative staff of the university, the state Public Library, Art Gallery and Museums, the Broadcasting Commission, state Education Department, representatives of societies interested in physical fitness, music, the theatre and the arts. [p.30-31]

Place of Publication

Melbourne, Australia


Australian Council for Educational Research


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