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Australian Journal of Career Development
Australian Journal of Career Education
The Australian Journal of Career Education (AJCD) is published by SAGE Publications in association with ACER.
To subscribe to the Australian Journal of Career Education (AJCD) go to articles and back issues
To access Australian Journal of Career Education articles and back issues go to
For guidelines and instructions to authors about submitting manuscripts to the Australian Journal of Career Development go to
Australian Journal of Education
Australian Journal of Education
The Australian Journal of Education (AJE) is published by SAGE in association with ACER.
To subscribe to the Australian Journal of Education (AJE) go to articles and back issues
To access Australian Journal of Education articles and back issues go to
Australian Journal of Education submissions can be submitted online at for submission
For guidelines and instructions to authors about submitting manuscripts to the Australian Journal of Education go to
ISSN 2202-4980
Connect is an independent bi-monthly publication supporting active student participation in primary and secondary schools. It is a 'practice journal' that has been published in Australia since late 1979. It is published on-line and is freely available for download.
Connect covers areas and practices that are variously called 'student voice', 'student agency' and 'student participation'. It supports educational change and development through assisting students and teachers to document and share practices in which students have substantial decision-making and implementation roles in primary and secondary schools, around real and important issues. It includes stories from initiatives around Australia (and occasionally elsewhere), and develops and reviews resources.
Connect normally publishes six issues a year, but in 2021, it has been published quarterly - and has now ceased publication with issue 250 in November, 2021.
Issue 200 (April 2013) was the final print issue to be published. Connect was then published electronically and is freely available on-line from issue 201 in June 2013. The earlier issues have been added to this site as free downloads of PDFs. The most recent issue available is noted below as the Current Issue.
In 2021, the following issues have been published:
- Issue 247: February, 2021
- Issue 248: May, 2021
- Issue 249: August, 2021
- Issue 250: November, 2021: available now & FINAL issue!
ISSN: 2202-4980

Cunningham Library Update (Cunningham Library)
Cunningham Library Update describes the resources and services that ACER’s Cunningham Library has to offer.

Indigenous Education Update archive (2013-2016) (Indigenous Education)
ISSN 2201-5930
Indigenous Education Update highlights the many ways in which ACER is working towards the improvement of outcomes for Indigenous learners.
From 2017, Indigenous Education Update is only available as an online newsletter within the Research Developments website. Visit to browse articles and subscribe.
ISSN 2201-5930

Indigenous Science Network
ISSN 1449-2091
Network Home
Have you ever been looking for inspiration when teaching Indigenous perspectives in science? The Australian Curriculum Science has 95 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander elaborations. These are a wonderful resource when planning to teach science. But what about further background readings and stories that emphasise the importance and wonder of Indigenous science knowledge? What about the amazing science knowledge that other First Nations peoples across the world have accumulated over eons of time?
The Indigenous Science Network is a global initiative based in Australia that promotes the use of Indigenous science in education and highlights the work of Indigenous scientists. Our key means of communication is a bulletin which is stored here. The bulletin is a compendium of articles, resources, opinion, academic papers and conferences related to Indigenous science, teaching and education.
We also maintain an X account: @IndigenousScie1 and a Facebook page.
In the spirit of Reconciliation, we acknowledge the Ugurapul and Yagara peoples as the traditional owners of the lands around Tulmur (Ipswich) in Queensland Australia, where the Indigenous Science Network Bulletin is prepared. We also acknowledge and pay respect to the past, present and future Custodians and Elders of other Aboriginal peoples and Torres Strait Islander peoples and all First Nations peoples across the world. We celebrate and promote the continuation of their cultural, spiritual and educational practices.
We also acknowledge the Inaugural Network Convener Dr Michael Michie, who began this ground-breaking work in Darwin in 1998 and continued regular distribution of network bulletins for twenty years until his retirement in 2017.
Original artwork for the Indigenous Science Network from Tiwi designs by Jennifer Coombs, Melville Island, NT, AUSTRALIA

International Developments (International)
ISSN 1838-6172
International Developments demonstrates ACER’s work on the many and varied challenges of improving educational outcomes throughout the world..
- International Developments Issue 10
- International Developments Issue 9
- International Developments Issue 8
- International Developments Issue 7
- International Developments Issue 6
- International Developments Issue 5
- International Developments Issue 4
- International Developments Issue 3
- International Developments Issue 2
- International Developments Issue 1
To request a copy of the print newsletter please send your mailing details to:
ISSN 1838-6172

International Update archive (2010-2012) (International)
International Update highlights the many ways in which ACER contributes to education globally through examples of our international research and assessment projects.
International Update is now only available as an online newsletter within the Research Developments website. Visit to browse articles and subscribe.

Professionally Speaking (ACER Archives)
Professionally Speaking has ceased publication. ACER India now produces Teacher Magazine. For more information, go to:

Research Developments
Research Developments was published as a print magazine between 1999 and 2012 before going online and becoming, with a name change, [rd]. Research Developments and [rd] have now been replaced by ACER Discover, which publishes news and insights across ACER's work to support learners, practitioners, organisations and researchers around the world to improve learning.
ISSN 1442-6625

ISSN 2652-1555
The Snapshots series (ISSN 2652-1555) takes findings from ACER's global education studies that Australian schools, students and teachers participate in, and highlights a single issue of interest to Australian schools and teachers. These international studies include the IEA’s Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) and Progress in Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS), and the OECD’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), all managed by ACER in Australia. TIMSS and PISA are a component of Australia's National Assessment Program, along with NAPLAN and the national sample assessments in Science Literacy, Civics and Citizenship, and Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Literacy. Further findings from these global education studies are detailed in ACER’s research reports which can found at TIMSS, PIRLS and PISA.

Teacher journal archive (2008-2011) (Teacher)
ISSN 1449-9274
Teacher was published in print until August 2011 and provided teachers and school leaders with opportunities to speak with each other and learn more about what their colleagues are doing across Australia.
Teacher was strongly represented in the Australian Council of Deans of Education Excellence in Education Journalism Awards in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2010.
ISSN: 1449-9274
It is now published online at

Vocational Update
Vocational Update highlights the many ways in which ACER research, and services and products are meeting the current and future training needs of the Australian workforce and the national vocational education and training system.