"School leavers in Australia : profiles and pathways" by Julie McMillan and Gary Marks

LSAY Research Reports

Publication Date



Longitudinal surveys of Australian youth research report ; n.31


This report examines the process of school leaving and the transition from school to post-school education, training and the labour market. A major focus of the report is young people who do not stay on to complete senior secondary school, as this group is often perceived 'at risk' of experiencing a problematic transition. In particular, the following research questions are addressed: What are the influences on non-completion, and have these influences changed over the past two decades? What are the early post-school experiences of school non-completers, and how do these differ from those of young people who complete Year 12? And, how do sociodemographic and human capital factors influence the labour market activities of young people? [p.ix, ed]

LSAY_execsum31.pdf (39 kB)
Executive summary

