LSAY Technical Reports
Publication Date
Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth is a program of surveys of young people jointly managed by ACER and the Australian Government Department of Education, Science and Training (DEST). The surveys focus on the education and labour market experiences of groups of young Australians, beginning from their middle years of secondary schooling. Data collected include basic demographic variables, as well as information about educational and labour force participation and experiences extending over a number of years. The present form of the LSAY program commenced in 1995 with a national sample of Year 9 students. The program also brings together earlier longitudinal studies conducted by ACER under the Youth in Transition (YIT) program, and by the Commonwealth under the Australian Longitudinal Survey (ALS) and Australian Youth Survey (AYS) programs. The data collected through LSAY are deposited with the Australian Social Science Data Archive (ASSDA) for use by other researchers.
Recommended Citation
Underwood, C. (2007). Codebook: The LSAY 1995 Year 9 Sample Wave 12 (2006) Technical Report No. 40. https://research.acer.edu.au/lsay_technical/11