Publication Date



Student assessment, Upper secondary years, University admission, Tests, School based assessment, Comparative analysis


This paper presents an overview of senior assessment and tertiary entrance procedures in Australia and other countries. This paper provides background information to inform the deliberations of the Queensland Review of Senior Assessment and Tertiary Entrance. It includes an overview of the commonalities and differences in the senior secondary assessment systems and certificates in the different the Australian states and territories. Also included is overview of the senior secondary assessment and tertiary entrance systems of some 30 countries. It includes information about the use of examinations, tests and school based assessments for certification and selection for tertiary entrance. This information is presented in tabular form. Another table provides more detailed information about the characteristics of senior secondary assessments in eight countries (Denmark, England, France, Hong Kong, New Zealand, Scotland, United States, Australia and all the Australian states) and the English Baccalaureate.

Place of Publication

Melbourne Vic


Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
