Start Date

17-8-2009 11:00 AM

End Date

17-8-2009 12:15 PM


Fundamental to teachers becoming responsive to student learning needs is the availability of detailed information about what students know and can do. High-quality assessment data can provide that information, but much more is needed to improve teaching practice in ways that have a substantive impact on student learning. A set of conditions are identified that result in such an impact, based on a synthesis of the international literature on professional development that has demonstrated a positive impact on student outcomes and a professional development program in over 300 New Zealand primary schools. This professional development program is focused on the interpretation and use of assessment information, building relevant pedagogical content knowledge in literacy and developing leadership for the change management process. These developments occurred within systematic inquiry and knowledgebuilding cycles based on assessment data for both teachers and leaders. Student achievement gains in reading and writing have accelerated at a rate averaging more than twice that expected, with even greater gains for the lowest-performing students. Both the projects have led to the identification of a set of conditions necessary for assessment data to result in improved teaching practice.

RC09_HelenTimperley.ppt (1049 kB)


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Aug 17th, 11:00 AM Aug 17th, 12:15 PM

Using assessment data for improving teaching practice


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