Start Date

5-8-2013 11:15 AM

End Date

5-8-2013 12:30 PM


In an era where professional standards and the quality of the teaching profession are increasingly being brought into the public spotlight, it behoves educational leaders and policy makers to carefully analyse research from a number of interrelated disciplines to discern more precisely what ‘effective teaching’ actually looks like within a classroom setting. Many teachers have a very eclectic approach to pedagogy and, by and large, their pedagogical processes are based on intuitive judgements and the wisdom of experience. While in no way devaluing the experience of teachers, research indicates that teachers have a tendency to emphasise the overt and pragmatic aspects of the pedagogical process – such as capturing the attention of students – over other more subtle, but equally important, dimensions of learning that include personalising learning and having students construct their own insights and meaning. This paper explores a ‘decalogue’ of insights generated by research into brain-based learning theory, and discerns their practical implications for pedagogical practice in the classroom. In particular, the paper highlights how brain-based research has helped to inform and shape the development of the ‘DEEP’ pedagogical framework that has positively influenced classroom practice in Catholic schools in Tasmania and Sydney.


Concurrent Session Block 1


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Aug 5th, 11:15 AM Aug 5th, 12:30 PM

A pedagogical decalogue: discerning the practical implications of brain-based learning research on pedagogical practice in Catholic schools

Concurrent Session Block 1


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