Tuesday 18 August 2015

Presenter Information

Phillip Dawson, Deakin University

Start Date

18-8-2015 10:45 AM

End Date

18-8-2015 12:00 PM


Cheating, Online assessment, Student assessment, Evaluation methods, Prevention, Crime prevention, Higher education, University teaching, Mobile technology


Hackers exploit weaknesses in a system to achieve their own goals. In this paper I argue that hacking presents a significant threat to the growing world of online assessment. This threat needs to be addressed through a variety of means; technological anti-hacking approaches will not be sufficient. The most effective ways to prevent hacking may be changes to the assessment tasks themselves to make hacking less tempting; these approaches also have a range of positive side effects in terms of authenticity, transparency of criteria, and ensuring tasks involve work beyond the exam. I conclude with a brief exploration of the ways that teachers may also hack assessment systems.

Place of Publication



Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)




Aug 18th, 10:45 AM Aug 18th, 12:00 PM

Hacking assessment

Hackers exploit weaknesses in a system to achieve their own goals. In this paper I argue that hacking presents a significant threat to the growing world of online assessment. This threat needs to be addressed through a variety of means; technological anti-hacking approaches will not be sufficient. The most effective ways to prevent hacking may be changes to the assessment tasks themselves to make hacking less tempting; these approaches also have a range of positive side effects in terms of authenticity, transparency of criteria, and ensuring tasks involve work beyond the exam. I conclude with a brief exploration of the ways that teachers may also hack assessment systems.


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