Teacher education
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The VIT Standards and Professional Learning Project was seen to be leading to improvements in teaching practice across schools and playing a major role in reinforcing and/or establishing a culture of professional collaboration and professional learning in schools. That is likely to lead to improved student outcomes. The role of the school leadership is clearly very important in this as in any other major innovation. Principals and mentors were very positive about the program, and consistently reported higher levels of satisfaction with its implementation than did the Provisionally Registered Teachers. Primary teachers were in general more positive than secondary teachers. Given the greater pedagogical experience of school leaders, and the generally broader pedagogical knowledge and experience of primary teachers, this may indicate that the program is going to the heart of what matters most in schools: more effective teaching and learning. [Conclusion]
Recommended Citation
Kleinhenz, E., Ingvarson, L., & Wilkinson, J. (2008). Supporting New Teachers In Victorian Schools : Making The Teacher Registration Process An Opportunity For Professional Learning. https://research.acer.edu.au/teacher_education/8
Paper presented at the Annual Conference of the British Educational Research Association Edinburgh September 2008