"Indigenous Science Network Bulletin - April 2024"



This first edition of the Indigenous Science Network Bulletin for 2024 has a collection of articles and resources related to First Nations peoples and their science knowledge for a global audience of teachers, scientists and interested community members. It also considers the effects of colonisation on the learning and teaching of First Nations students and communities across other curriculum areas. Ron Vave of Fiji has written our editorial on the value of the indigenous knowledge systems of the Pacific Ocean’s many Indigenous peoples. By recognising and valuing the environmental and other knowledge that has built up over countless generations of occupation in the Pacific, many of the current environmental issues that concern all of us such as climate change and food security can be better understood and addressed. See a similar story on Fiji and Samoa’s Indigenous knowledge systems highlighting the need for the integration of science and Indigenous expertise to mitigate the effects of climate change here.


Indigenous Science Network





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