Leading Learning in Education and Philanthropy (LLEAP)
How do you connect with potential supporters?
Publication Date
Grantsmanship, Private financial support, Philanthropic foundations, School community partnerships
This panel discussion explores how schools can connect with potential supporters such as philanthropic foundations and not-for-profit organisations. The panel includes Professor Brian Caldwell (Chair, LLEAP Advisory Group and Director, Educational Transformations), Annie Fogarty (Fogarty Foundation), Catherine Brown (CEO, Lord Mayor's Charitable Foundation), Christine Cawsey (Principal, Rooty Hills High School, NSW) and Russell Kerr (Hands on Learning Australia).
Recommended Citation
Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). (2012). How do you connect with potential supporters?. Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). https://research.acer.edu.au/lleap/10
Copyright Statement
Copyright Australian Council for Educational Research 2012
Place of Publication
Melbourne Vic
Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
Presented at the LLEAP Celebrate and Learn Forum Tuesday 24 April 2012, 11.00 am to 1.00 pm, at the Victorian State Library, Experimedia room, 328 Swanston Street, Melbourne.