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LSAY Research Report; No 52


This report examines the vocational education and training (VET) pathways pursued by young people since leaving school. It investigates the characteristics of those who pursue VET, their persistence in those programs, and the labour force and related outcomes that they experience following their VET participation. The investigation uses data collected as part of the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY) program. It is based on survey data collected annually since 1995 from young people who were in Year 9 at school at that time (the Y95 cohort). Their progress through school, into any postschool education they had undertaken by 2001 (when their modal age was 20 years) and their participation in the workforce to 2004 (when their modal age was 23 years) are analysed. The three types of VET programs investigated are apprenticeships, traineeships and nonapprenticeship VET courses. In addition, the pathways of two other groups are considered: those who entered university; and those who chose not to undertake any formal education or training after leaving school (the ‘no post-school study’ pathway). Outcomes that are examined include employment status, unemployment, job satisfaction, weekly hours worked and earnings.

LSAY_execsum52.pdf (20 kB)
Executive Summary
