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Longitudinal surveys of Australian youth research report ; n.20


This report examines the vocational and training (VET) activities and experiences of non-completers of Year 12 in the initial post- school years. It investigates differences between those who participate in VET after leaving school and those who do not. It also reviews VET achievement examining results in the VET courses undertaken by non-completers. The report provides information on the characteristics and success rates of non-completers who participated in VET, concentrating on the characteristics and achievement levels of those non-completers who participated in VET according to their specific study programs. The analyses were based on data from the Y95 cohort of the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY). The findings suggest that non-completers study a range of courses within the VET sector, and that it is important that VET remains flexible and continues to provide diversity in the range of courses available to this group of teenagers. [Executive summary, ed]

LSAY_execsum20.pdf (30 kB)
Executive summary
