The LSAY 2003 Sample of 15 Year-olds Wave 2 (2004) Technical Report No. 35

Publication Date



In 2003, a nationally representative sample of approximately 12,500 15 year-old students was selected to participate in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA), conducted by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). More than 10,000 of these young people became the third cohort of the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth. The PISA sample was constructed by randomly selecting fifty 15 year-old students from a sample of schools designed to represent state and sector. Assessments in mathematical literacy, reading literacy, scientific literacy and problem solving were administered to students in their schools to provide information on school achievement for use in later analyses of educational and labour market participation. Students also completed a background questionnaire about their families, educational and vocational plans, and attitudes to school. In follow-up telephone interviews, students provided further information on their schools and on part-time work. In 2004, members of the Y03 cohort were contacted again for telephone interviews. Details on PISA are provided in publications from the OECD, available at The 2003 Y03 Telephone Survey was conducted with 11 619 of the students who formed the PISA 2003 sample. The PISA sample was 12 551, however a number of students withdrew from the study or had not provided correct contact information on the PISA student questionnaire form. Of 11 619 whose details were available, 10 370 useable interviews were completed successfully (89% of the active sample). There were 278 refusals or terminations of interview (2.4% of the available sample), 567 non-contactable (4.9%) and 188 others not interviewed (1.6%). The 2004 Y03 Telephone Survey was conducted with 9831 members of the 2003 sample. The 2003 final sample was 10 370, however 13 members withdrew from the study and 4 were not approached because of illness or travel. Of the 10 353 available for interviews, 9378 useable interviews were completed successfully (91% of the active sample). There were 258 refusals or terminations of interview (2.5% of the sample), 387 non-contactable (3.7%) and 330 others not interviewed (3.2%).

LSAY_techrep35A.pdf (633 kB)
Data Dictionary (Part A)

LSAY_techrep35B.pdf (842 kB)
Frequencies (Part B)

LSAY_techrep35C.pdf (154 kB)
Questionnaire (Part C)

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