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The 1998 Year 9 Cohort (Y98) In 1998, a nationally representative sample of approximately 14,000 Year 9 students was selected to form the second cohort of the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth. The sample was constructed by randomly selecting two Year 9 classes from a sample of schools designed to represent state and sector. Reading and numeracy tests were administered to students in their schools to provide information on early school achievement for use in later analyses of educational and labour market participation. Students also completed a background questionnaire about their educational and vocational plans and attitudes to school. The 1999 Y98 Mail Survey The 1999 Y98 Mail Survey was mailed to the 14,118 students who formed the 1998 Year 9 Sample. Of that group 9289 useable responses were received. Most of this sample would be expected to be completing Year 10 in 1999. Therefore, the questionnaire asked questions regarding subjects studied in Year 10, perceptions of ability, homework, school climate and extra-curricular activities. School students were also asked questions about any part-time job they might have and their intentions around school and the year after leaving school. Those who had already left school were asked questions about when they left, their reasons for leaving and their present activity.
