Presenter Information

John Pegg, University of New England

Start Date

16-8-2010 10:45 AM

End Date

16-8-2010 12:00 PM


What do we mean by higher-order skills? How do students develop higherorder skills, and utilise abstract ideas or concepts? How can we promote the acquisition of higher-order understandings in a classroom situation? This session considers these questions and the reasons for the difficulties and challenges teachers face in addressing the need to promote higher-order understandings in their students. The research reported draws on data from three large-scale longitudinal studies carried out with primary and secondary teachers. The approaches are consistent with recent research findings on cognition and brain functioning, and provide insight into how such skills are developed in students. Participants will consider practical ways to create conditions that increase the likelihood of higher-order skills and understandings in their students.


This session is also available as an audiorecording.

Pegg ACER 2010.pdf (223 kB)

john pegg part 1.mp3 (26906 kB)
Audiorecording (.mp3) - part 1

john pegg part 2.mp3 (36394 kB)
Audiorecording (.mp3) - part 2


Import Event to Google Calendar

Aug 16th, 10:45 AM Aug 16th, 12:00 PM

Promoting the acquisition of higher order skills and understandings in primary and secondary mathematics

This session is also available as an audiorecording.


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