"Using Online Assessment to Inform Teaching and Learning in Primary and" by Jim Tognolini

Publication Date



In 'Using data to support learning', ACER research conference 2003 : proceedings, pages 126. Melbourne : ACER


In the 1980’s there was a conscious effort around Australia and in many other countries around the world to shift the focus in assessment from notions of passing and failing to those of monitoring growth; from comparing students against each other to building up an image of what it is that students know and can do at particular stages in their development; and, from collecting marks to summarise performance to providing students and teachers with information from assessment activities that can be used to help diagnose potential weaknesses and strengths and lead to improved learning. The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) has recently developed an online assessment instrument that takes advantage of the latest advances in psychometric theory to provide schools and students with a powerful tool to support learning at school and at home.

RC2005_JimTognoloni.pdf (1 kB)

