ACER Annual Reports
Publication Date
Annual reports, Educational research, Research and development centres
The introduction to this annual report traces the history, activities, and growth of the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER), and notes future challenges facing ACER. Abstracts are presented of seven papers which were delivered at the Invitational Conference on Societal Change held in August l980 at the University of Melbourne. Reports are given on the progress of six programs continuing under ACER's sponsorship. These programs focus on: (1) learning and teaching; (2) social context of education; (3) measurement and evaluation; (4) library and information services; (5) survey and psychometric services; and (6) advisory services. Information on ACER publications and staff is included
Recommended Citation
Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). (1981). ACER 1980-1981, Fifty-first Annual Report. Australian Council for Educational Research. https://research.acer.edu.au/ar/27
Document Type
Place of Publication
Hawthorn, Victoria
Australian Council for Educational Research