"Analysis of National Learning Assessment Systems [ANLAS]" by Global Partnership for Education

Analysis of National Learning Assessment Systems [ANLAS]

Publication Date



Developing countries, International programs, Large scale assessment, National competency tests, Policy formation, Primary secondary education, Student assessment, Systems analysis


ANLAS was developed by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) on behalf of GPE


The Analysis of National Learning Assessment Systems (ANLAS) has been initiated by the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) as part of the Assessment for Learning (A4L) initiative. ANLAS aims to provide a resource for developing country partners to build effective and sustainable learning assessment systems for evidence-based decision making in education policy and practice and to support education sector planning. Developed by the Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) on behalf of GPE, ANLAS provides a toolkit for countries to systematically gather and analyze information about their national learning assessment systems with the aim to inform the development and implementation of improvement strategies as part of the wider education sector planning process. Three of GPE’s partner countries, notably Ethiopia, Mauritania and Vietnam, piloted the ANLAS approach during the first half of 2019.

Place of Publication

Washington D.C.


Global Partnership for Education

