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Academic achievement, Evaluation, Literacy education, English achievement, Mathematics achievement, National competency tests, National standards, Numeracy, Outcomes of education, Primary education, Reading achievement, Solomon Islands
The SISTA program is a key monitoring tool of the Solomon Islands Ministry of Education and Human Resource Development and has the capacity to serve multiple functions to a wide range of educational stakeholders. This report provides analysis of year 4 and year 6 Literacy and Numeracy of SISTA 2013. The SISTA results contain a wealth of data about how well students have responded to items that are indicators of curriculum attainment. The observed improvements in overall performances may be attributed to: a. Better tests and improved alignment of the tests with the target population; and b. In the case of English Literacy the disaggregation of the Writing scale from the other strands of English.
Recommended Citation
Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). (2013). Solomon Islands Standardised Tests of Achievement (SISTA). English and Mathematics. Year 4 and Year 6. Report 1 Main Study 2013. Solomon Islands Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development.
Place of Publication
Honiara, Solomon Islands
Solomon Islands Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development
Geographic Subject
Solomon Islands
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