"Literacy and Numeracy Test for Initial Teacher Education Students. Ass" by Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)

Publication Date



Student assessment, Competency based assessment, Frameworks, Literacy, Occupational tests, Postsecondary education, Numeracy, Prerequisites, Preservice teacher education, Workplace literacy


The Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER) was contracted by the Australian Institute of Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) to develop the assessment framework and the pools of assessment items for the first two years of implementation of an assessment of aspects of literacy and numeracy for students enrolled in initial teacher education courses. The program is known as the literacy and numeracy test of initial teacher education students (LANTITE). The framework begins by giving some background and context to the development of a literacy and numeracy test for students enrolled in initial teacher education courses. Following this are separate sections on literacy and numeracy, outlining content specific to each domain. The body of the framework concludes with notes on aspects of the Test that are common to literacy and numeracy. Appendices provide sample literacy and numeracy items, and a brief review of comparable assessment programs from around the world that were reviewed as background to the development of the framework. An appendix considers assessment of prospective teachers’ personal numeracy and literacy from an international perspective including England, USA,Chile, and other national approaches.

Place of Publication

Camberwell, Australia


Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)

