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Developing countries, Inclusive education, Low income, Middle income, Special education, Regular and special education relationship, Intervention, Teacher education, Evidence based practice, Professional development, Disabilities, Primary secondary education, Systematic reviews
According to prior research, teacher readiness and capability are key contributors for successful transition towards disability inclusive education, yet in-service teacher professional development for disability inclusion remains an under-researched area. The key objective of this evidence and gap map (EGM) is to locate evidence on interventions for disability inclusion focused teacher professional development (TPD) in low-to-middle-income-countries (LMICs) in the Asia-Pacific region. As such, it will illustrate different levels of evidence for TPD interventions as well as where there is no evidence (i.e., gaps). In other words, the EGM can make agencies aware where they might be operating in an area that is evidence-free or evidence-weak so they can take up interventions that are evidence-based or collect evidence for the intervention they are presently supporting. Thus, the ultimate goal for the EGM is to assist funders and implementing agencies when making decisions as to how to support LMICs in the region to reach their aim of developing quality teachers for the global inclusive education agenda target Sustainable Development Goal (SDG 4.c).
Recommended Citation
Ahmed, S., Jeffries, D., Chakraborty, A., Lietz, P., Kaushik, A., Rahayu, B., Armstrong, D., & Sundarsagar, K. (2021). PROTOCOL: Teacher professional development for disability inclusion in low- and middle-income Asia-Pacific countries: An evidence and gap map. Campbell Systematic Reviews.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
Copyright Statement
Copyright 2021 The Authors
Campbell Systematic Reviews
Geographic Subject
Asia, Pacific region
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Disability and Equity in Education Commons, International and Comparative Education Commons, Teacher Education and Professional Development Commons
This protocol is supported by an evidence and gap map (EGM), published 25 November 2022 and available here: