"The National Student Assessment 2022 in Bangladesh. Grades 3 and 5" by Directorate of Primary Education Bangladesh

Publication Date



Bangla language, mathematics, Language tests, Large scale assessment, Mathematics tests, national competency tests, student assessment


Monitoring and Evaluation Division. Directorate of Primary Education. Ministry of Primary and Mass Education in partnership with UNICEF, UKAID and Australian Council for Educational Research (India) as technical agency.


The National Student Assessment (NSA) 2022 was a sample-based assessment in Bangladesh, measuring the learning levels of Bangladeshi students in Bangla and Mathematics covering 3,357,233 students in grade 3 and 3,604,586 students in grade 5. It was the seventh round of the national assessments in primary education in Bangladesh, conducted after five years and the most comprehensive national-level learning assessment after the global COVID-19 pandemic. The sampling method at school level was multistage stratified probability proportional to size method, and at student level was equal probability systematic random sampling derived from Annual Primary School Census (APSC) 2021 database.The report outlines assessment and content expectations, reliability estimates, mean scale, scores by division, district, school type, and geographical location as well as proficiency bands and performance standards, and performance by key content area and cognitive level. It includes findings relating to learning and equity plus student, teacher and headteacher questionnaires.

Place of Publication

Dhaka, Bangladesh


Directorate of Primary Education

Geographic Subject



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