Connect: Aims and Scope

Why does Connect exist?

Connect aims to:

  • document student participation approaches and initiatives
  • support reflective practices
  • develop and share resources.

  • By student participation we mean more than the attendance of students at school ('participation rates') or students taking part in activities organised by adults; more than consultation of students by adults or simply encouraging students to 'speak up' or 'have a voice'. Rather, student participation - or 'active student participation' - means that students in primary and secondary schools actively share in making decisions about their education and the education of others, and about the issues that influence and affect their education and broader lives. They also implement action based on these decisions – within their curriculum, classrooms, schools and communities – so that they have real roles of value within their school and broader communities.

    Therefore Connect is centrally involved in supporting and encouraging changed education practices.

    Connect is edited and published by:
    Roger Holdsworth
    12 Brooke St
    Northcote Vic 3070
    Ph: +(613) 9489-9052