Meet the Editor | Connect - supporting student participation | Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)

Who We Are

Roger Holdsworth was a secondary school teacher for many years, teaching in the areas of Physics, Science and Mathematics. In the 1970s he was involved in several innovative educational programs: an early cross-age tutoring program (paying students to teach other students), a multilingual student-run community newspaper and radio program (Ascolta), establishing an alternative school (Lynall Hall), an alternative Year 12 program (STC: Schools Year Twelve and Tertiary Entrance Certificate) and so on. As a consequence, he began publishing Connect late in 1979 to share these stories and to encourage others to document and share their own experiences.

Roger was subsequently a curriculum consultant (with the Transition Education Advisory Committee: TEAC; with the Participation and Equity Program: PEP; then as an independent consultant), then worked in the community youth sector (with the Youth Affairs Council of Victoria: YACVic) and for the Poverty Campaign (with VCOSS) before joining the Australian Youth Research Centre (YRC) (at The University of Melbourne) in 1990. He was Manager there for many years, writing or assisting in the writing of many reports, as well as carrying out many research programs. He remains an Honorary Associate of the Centre.

Roger 'retired' in 2004, but 'failed' at this, so continues to work as a consultant with various schools, particularly around ideas of Student Action Teams. He maintains a strong and passionate commitment to real roles of value for young people in schools. As part of that, he works with the VicSRC - the peak body of school students in Victoria and umbrella body of Student Representative Councils - as a volunteer, critical friend and adviser within its Supporters Group.