![Curriculum development and review](../../assets/md5images/11dba8c4b597aaa60e2be9e975de1a89.png)
Curriculum development and review
Publication Date
Curriculum evaluation, Generic skills, Curriculum frameworks, Textbooks, Student centred curriculum, Inquiry, Rapid review
Indonesia wants to improve the quality of students’ learning outcomes as a matter of urgency. One strategy being used to achieve this objective, is to improve the national curriculum, Curriculum 2013. The theoretical basis underpinning Curriculum 2013 has been informed by promising practices from across several countries, that have placed an emphasis on fostering student-centred and enquiry-based learning, and the development of ‘21st century skills’. This Rapid Review of Curriculum and Textbooks 2013 was undertaken at the request of Ministry of Education and Culture (MoEC), to examine recent curriculum reforms and implementation strategies used in Indonesia, in order for MoEC to gain advice that will support them to determine approaches to make further improvements in the ongoing development, review and implementation of Curriculum 2013.
Recommended Citation
Moyle, K., Rampal, A., Rochsantiningsih, D., & Kristiandi, K. (2017). Rapid Review of Curriculum 2013 and Textbooks. Government of Indonesia, Ministry of Education and Culture. https://research.acer.edu.au/curriculumdevelopment/3
Place of Publication
Government of Indonesia, Ministry of Education and Culture
Geographic Subject
The study was commissioned by the Education Sector Analytical and Capacity Development Partnership (ACDP), an initiative supported by the Government of Indonesia, the Australian Government, the European Union and the Asian Development Bank.