Discover - School education
How is early childhood education affecting student learning outcomes in the Pacific?
Publication Date
Early childhood education, Pacific Islanders, Primary education
Early childhood education (ECE) programs support children to have the best start in life. This is especially true for children from the most disadvantaged backgrounds.
According to the latest UNICEF data, children in high income countries are 4 times more likely to be enrolled in ECE than those in low-income countries. In the Pacific region, there are concerns that half the children born today will not reach their full potential due to limited access to quality education.
Recommended Citation
Nietschke, Y., Cloney, D. & Cassity, E. (July 2023)'How is early childhood education affecting student learning outcomes in the Pacific?', Discover, ACER. https://www.acer.org/au/discover/article/how-is-early-childhood-education-affecting-student-learning-outcomes-in-the-pacific
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Place of Publication
Melbourne, Australia
Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
English, English
Geographic Subject
Pacific region