Early Childhood Education

Publication Date



Science teaching, Young children, Science activities, Science curriculum, Curriculum resources, Early childhood education, Concept teaching, Monitoring (Assessment), Cartoons


Cartoons can be used as a way of monitoring children’s developing understanding of concepts (‘concept cartoons’). Cartoons provide a simple narrative in which two or more characters provide commentary or opinions about a phenomenon. The cartoon format is likely to be familiar to children, so is a non-threatening format to present and elicit their thoughts on the opinions provided by the characters. There are four concept cartoons in this resource. Each concept cartoon provides a monitoring tool for finding out how children’s understanding about science concepts is developing. Each cartoon is customised to one of the activities in the educator resources for Paper 1 and Paper 2. Although concept cartoons can be used at any time for a particular topic, in this case, we suggest the cartoons be used with the children after completing each activity.

Place of Publication

Camberwell, Australia


Australian Council for Educational Research
