Early Childhood Education
Publication Date
Science teaching, Young children, Science activities, Science curriculum, Curriculum resources, Early childhood education, Concept teaching, Monitoring (Assessment), Cartoons
Cartoons can be used as a way of monitoring children’s developing understanding of concepts (‘concept cartoons’). Cartoons provide a simple narrative in which two or more characters provide commentary or opinions about a phenomenon. The cartoon format is likely to be familiar to children, so is a non-threatening format to present and elicit their thoughts on the opinions provided by the characters. There are four concept cartoons in this resource. Each concept cartoon provides a monitoring tool for finding out how children’s understanding about science concepts is developing. Each cartoon is customised to one of the activities in the educator resources for Paper 1 and Paper 2. Although concept cartoons can be used at any time for a particular topic, in this case, we suggest the cartoons be used with the children after completing each activity.
Recommended Citation
Australian Council for Educational Research. (2020). Science in the early years: Concept cartoons as monitoring tools. Educator resource. Australian Council for Educational Research. https://research.acer.edu.au/early_childhood_misc/25
Copyright Statement
Copyright Australian Council for Educational Research
Place of Publication
Camberwell, Australia
Australian Council for Educational Research
Included in
Curriculum and Instruction Commons, Early Childhood Education Commons, Science and Mathematics Education Commons