Publication Date



Individualised teaching, Student attitudes, Teacher attitudes


(Educational research series / Australian Council for Educational Research ; n.1)


The experiment which is dealt With in this paper arose out of a stimulating discussion regarding the "Dalton Plan," which took place in the Education Section at the Perth meeting of the Association in 1926. The experiment at the Thebarton Technical High School was put into operation from the beginning of 1927, and a preliminary account was read at the Hobart meeting in 1928. That account was published in abstract in Volume XIX of the Proceedings of the Association, and in full as Bulletin No. 2 of the South Australian Education Department (S.A. Education Gazette, 1928, pp. 148-150 and 182-184).

During the past two and a half years the scheme has been further extended, and has been enthusiastically carried on with continuous modification and adaptation of the work and the methods, with the aim ever in view of achieving all that is most valuable under the class system, plus something more of independence and individuality and resourcefulness in the character of the pupils who come under the influence of this school. Serious difficulties have been met with. Some of the methods used have proved impracticable or unsuccessful. Others have been tried and adopted in part only. The main result, however, has been sufficiently sound to justify a firm belief that the experiment is along the right lines-that of those boys ·who have received training under these methods none has lost thereby, and that the great majority of the students have left the school with some additional valuable equipment for their future lives and vocations. [p.7]

Place of Publication



Melbourne University Press

Geographic Subject

South Australia


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