
W.M O'Neil

Publication Date



Career choice, Career education, Career guidance, Counsellor training, School to work transition


Practically every young Australian leaving school goes to work and the choice of that work is a momentous decision for both the young person and his parents. [p.3]

Unfortunately, the business of choosing a career has become progressively more difficult. Three changes are mentioned to illustrate this. In the first place the increasing variety of modern occupations has created a larger field from which selection has to be made. In the second place, modern mechanized production has taken much of the skill of the old craftsman and put it into the machines. [p.5, ed]

In the third place, few occupations with the exception of the learned professions can be entered with any readiness by any but the adolescent. In the last three decades vocational guidance, a branch of applied science, has grown up, often in the face of lukewarm governmental support, to assist young people in the problem of choosing and planning their careers. It is imperative that our schemes for post-war world include adequate provision for this to all young Australians who need it. [p.6, ed]

The author then addresses the aims of vocational guidance and problems that arise.

Place of Publication



Australian Council for Educational Research



Geographic Subject

