Publication Date



Age grade placement, Government schools, State standards


Information Bulletin / Australian Council for Educational Research ; n.14

Digitised in 2022 from a print copy held by the ACER library


Some years ago, the Australian Council for Educational Research prepared a table of the equivalent grades in the six Australian States. In 1945 and 1946 the R.A.A.F Vocational Guidance Service reprinted the upper section of this table, together with other information regarding post-primary courses and examinations, as "Comparative Educational Levels in the Australian States”. While it is now fairly evident, from the comparison of curricula end results in our curriculum survey, that there are no strictly comparable levels in the content of courses or in the mean ages of children, the R.A.A.F. table has apparently proved useful to head masters and administrators faced with problems arising from interstate transfers; as the age levels have varied it was decided to recalculate the mean ages of the State School population in each grade for 1946 for the benefit of future enquirers. A limited number of copies of the R.A.A.F. bulletin referred to is available for distribution to readers who have not received a copy of the original. No attempt has been made to bring other information on the sheet up to date. [Introduction, ed]

Place of Publication

Camberwell, Australia


Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)


English, English

Geographic Subject

Australia, Australia

Article Location