International Conference on Assessment and Learning (ICAL)

Are girls more resilient in literacy and numeracy than boys?
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Gender differences, Resilience (Personality), Literacy education, Numeracy
Gender differences, Resilience (Personality), Literacy education, Numeracy, Primary secondary students
Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Educational Psychology | Language and Literacy Education
Based on data from the Indonesian Child Protection Commission (KPAI) from 2011 to 2016, there were 7,698 cases of children in conflict with the law, 2,435 cases of children in the education sector (perpetrators of student brawls, perpetrators of violence at school, and so on), and 1,709 cases of children related to pornography and cybercrime. The data shows the importance of student resilience in order to fortify themselves from various behaviors that can harm their future. The formation of student resilience has not been designed comprehensively in the learning process at school. Therefore, there are still many students who have not been able to overcome problems, one of which has an impact on achievement that is not optimal. In fact, resilient students will have better adaptability in overcoming various problems. In general, student resilience is defined as the ability of students to bounce back or rebound after experiencing pressure or stress. Resilience is needed to achieve literacy and numeracy achievements for students in Indonesia. The existence of inequality in the learning process in schools has an impact on differences in student achievement in Indonesia. The level of resilience of students' literacy and numeracy at all levels of education based on data shows that there is a tendency for female students to dominate. Descriptive analysis was carried out in this study to test the hypothesis. The results showed that the level of literacy and numeracy resilience of students nationally from the elementary school level to the same level was highest for female students with a percentage of 11.28% for the level of literacy endurance and numeracy endurance level. the field is at a percentage of 5.97%. for male students. Based on the analysis of the data above, it can be interpreted that from a gender perspective, girls' literacy and numeracy resilience is rated higher than that of boys. This finding still needs to be strengthened by analyzing the data by calculating in more detail the effect of education level. The literacy and numeracy resilience profile describes the social dynamics that are determined by the level of education. This proves that resilience is not limited by gender but is also related to the learning process experienced by different students.
Recommended Citation
Dwiningrum, Sri Irene Astuti; Rahmawati, Rahmawati; Aditya, Aditya; Rahdiani, Dian; Susetiyo, Haryo; and Putri, Mega Riyanti Bayu, "Are girls more resilient in literacy and numeracy than boys?" (2022). International Conference on Assessment and Learning (ICAL). 13.
Copyright Statement
Copyright Australian Council for Educational Research 2022
Jakarta, Indonesia
ACER Indonesia
Geographic Subject
Paper presented at ICAL 2022 — Transforming Assessment and Learning: Making the System Work!
13 - 15 October 2022, Bali, Indonesia