International Conference on Assessment and Learning (ICAL)

Introducing the Education Technology Value Evaluation Tool for Schools


Introducing the Education Technology Value Evaluation Tool for Schools

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Educational technology, Evaluation, Evidence-based learning


Educational Assessment, Evaluation, and Research | Educational Technology


Paper presented at ICAL 2022 — Transforming Assessment and Learning: Making the System Work! 13 - 15 October 2022, Bali, Indonesia


Despite the enthusiasm for technology in school education, the importance attributed to it by policymakers, educators, students and parents, and the extensive impact of the changes in practices and provision related to the adoption of digital technologies, research has provided little evidence that the adoption of digital technologies has led to improved outcomes for learners. Given the significant, ongoing investment in technology and research evidence that technology has potential to improve learning outcomes, it is timely for education systems and schools to have access to tools and frameworks that can support effective use of technology in education. This paper introduces the Education Technology Value Evaluation Tool, a set of frameworks designed to help teachers and school leaders focus on the ways in which educational technology can be used to address student learning needs and drive learning improvement. This tool was developed based on a review of the literature on effective use of technology and evidence from practice from ACER system and school reviews in Australia. It provides a simple, structured approach to highlighting learning related goals for technology adoptions, defining metrics for success and establishing criteria for ongoing evaluation. It is envisaged that this framework will support schools to focus their resources and efforts in using technology to drive improved outcomes for all students.

Recommended Citation

Saubern, R., Taylor-Guy, P., & van der Keij, F. (2022, October 13-15). Introducing the Education Technology Value Evaluation Tool for Schools. 2022 International Conference on Assessment and Learning (ICAL), Bali, Indonesia, 2022.


Jakarta, Indonesia


ACER Indonesia


Introducing the Education Technology Value Evaluation Tool for Schools
