"The School to Work Transition of Indigenous Australians: A Review of t" by Michael Long, Tracey Frigo et al.

Publication Date



Task Force on School to Work Transition for Indigenous Australians, Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs.

This report is made available under CC by 3.0 AU


This report was commissioned by the Task Force on School to Work Transition for Indigenous Australians in the Department of Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs. The Task Force was established to examine issues of access to Departmental programs and services for young Indigenous people moving from school to work and to consider ways in which programs and polices could be enhanced to assist clients in overcoming barriers to education and employment. The report describes the current situation in terms of the pathways for Indigenous young people and their participation in relevant DEETYA programs. The report identifies barriers to successful transition from school to work, including forms of teaching, curriculum and assessment which pose greater educational challenges for Indigenous youth, as well as broader social issues such as racism, poverty, poor health, remote location, incarceration and an absence of employment opportunities. It highlights the need for improvements in educational outcomes as the key to improved results in the labour market. It provides an overview of the common features associated with successful transitions and programs as well as some systemic weaknesses inhibiting success. It reviews a range of statistical data and provides valuable insights into education and labour market participation rates for Indigenous and non-indigenous populations of young people moving from school to work. It also discusses educational attainment levels of both groups and demonstrates their direct correlation with employment rates, highlighting the significance of issues reviewed by the Task Force.

01_title.pdf (6 kB)
Title Page

02_contents.pdf (9 kB)
Table of Contents

03_acknowledgements.pdf (7 kB)

04_tables.pdf (8 kB)

05_overview.pdf (15 kB)

06_lit_review.pdf (80 kB)
Literature Review

07_stats_analysis.pdf (351 kB)
Statistical Analysis

08_bibliography.pdf (129 kB)

09_appendix.pdf (133 kB)

