Joining the Dots (JTD)
Tracking demand : an early audit of Australia's new student demand driven system
Publication Date
Enrolment, Enrolment rate, Quality management, Universities, University admission, University applicants, University students, Higher education, Statistics
In 2012, Australian universities entered a new era of student selection and enrolment. Australia's universities are now able to enrol as many students as they choose (or to be more precise, as choose them) under a funding system driven by student demand. This Joining the Dots Research Briefing explores the changes that have occurred in the system over the few years since this funding arrangement was announced. This involves an early audit of the figures for 2012 in relation to those of the past six years, followed by some discussion of the consequences of student demand driven funding for the higher education system. Issues addressed cover: demand for university, university offers and student demand driven funding; and the supply of university places. [Author abstract]
Recommended Citation
Edwards, D., & van der Brugge, E. (2012). Tracking demand : an early audit of Australia's new student demand driven system. Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). https://research.acer.edu.au/joining_the_dots/17
Copyright Statement
Copyright Australian Council for Educational Research 2012
Place of Publication
Melbourne Vic
Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
(Joining the Dots research briefing ; v.2 n.1)