Joining the Dots (JTD)
International students snapshot : a global picture
Publication Date
Educational markets, Enrolment rate, International students, Student mobility, Higher education, Statistics, International education, Geographic distribution, Comparative analysis
This briefing presents a snapshot of statistics relating to international students in higher education globally, contextualising the broader market forces which impact Australian institutions. It draws exclusively on data from the UNESCO Institute for Statistics (UIS) to highlight the value of this data and to show the relative global presence of Australia in the international student market. The most recently available and internationally comparable data from the UIS are for 2009, and this is presented here. The analysis highlights the relative place which Australia plays as a provider of international education, particularly to students from the Asia-Pacific region. It also provides an indication of the increasing competition for international students which Australia is facing, as places traditionally considered 'source countries' develop their capacity as destinations for international study. It examines: international student numbers in Australia relative to other nations; UNESCO net flow indicators from a comparative and global perspective; and detailed information on the origins of international students coming to Australia and to our neighbours. [Author abstract, ed]
Recommended Citation
Edwards, D. (2011). International students snapshot : a global picture. Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). https://research.acer.edu.au/joining_the_dots/21
Copyright Statement
Copyright Australian Council for Educational Research 2011
Place of Publication
Melbourne Vic
Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER)
(Joining the Dots research briefing ; v.1 n.8)