LSAY Briefing Reports
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Despite numerous changes in policy and legislation, issues of gender equity in the Australian education system and labour market remain a concern of the Australian public. Males and females differ in academic performance at various points in their education; there are differences in the numbers of young men and women participating in education and training; men and women experience differential success in the labour market. This Briefing focuses on differences between young males and females on a range of educational and labour market outcomes. The educational outcomes include achievement on tests of reading and mathematics, retention in secondary school, performance for tertiary entrance, tertiary qualifications and fields of study. Labour market outcomes discussed here include the pathways followed by young men and women after compulsory schooling, weekly income reported by those in fulltime work, and the types of occupation held by young people seven years after school. [Author abstract]
Recommended Citation
Hillman, K., Rothman, S., & Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). (2003). Gender differences in educational and labour market outcomes.. https://research.acer.edu.au/lsay_briefs/8
(LSAY Briefing; n.8)