LSAY Research Reports
Publication Date
This report examines the pathways of recent school leavers who enter the higher education sector in Australia. The focus is on the first three years after completing senior secondary school. The report has four broad aims: to provide estimates of the proportions of entrants who change courses or leave the higher education sector before completing a course; to identify factors associated with course change within the higher education sector; to identify factors associated with attrition from the higher education sector; and to examine the initial education, training and labour market destinations of those who leave the higher education sector before completing a qualification. The report uses data from the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth to address each of these aims. [p.v]
Recommended Citation
McMillan, J. (2005). Course change and attrition from higher education. https://research.acer.edu.au/lsay_research/43
Longitudinal surveys of Australian youth research report ; n.39