LSAY Technical Reports
Publication Date
This document contains the following tests:
Australian Studies in School Performance 1975 Reading Test
Australian Studies in School Performance 1975 Numeracy Test
Australian Studies in Student Performance 1980 Reading Test
Australian Studies in Student Performance 1980 Numeracy Test
Youth in Transition/ Australian Youth Survey 1989 Reading Test
Youth in Transition/ Australian Youth Survey 1989 Numeracy Test
Australian Youth Survey 1990 Reading Test
Australian Youth Survey 1990 Numeracy Test
Australian Youth Survey 1991 Reading Test
Australian Youth Survey 1991 Numeracy Test
Australian Youth Survey 1992 Reading Test
Australian Youth Survey 1992 Numeracy Test
Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth 1995 Reading Test
Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth 1995 Numeracy Test
Recommended Citation
Australian Council for Educational Research (ACER). (1996). Reading and Numeracy Achievement Tests: 1975-1995 Technical Paper No. 1. Australian Council for Educational Research. https://research.acer.edu.au/lsay_technical/21
Australian Council for Educational Research
Geographic Subject