ACEReSearch - 2021-2030 ACER Research Conferences: The impact of dog-assisted wellbeing interventions on student motivation and engagement in the school setting

Poster presentations

Start Date

3-9-2023 12:00 AM

End Date

4-9-2023 12:00 AM


Educational therapy, Therapeutic environment, Well being


This poster summarises a proposed mixed methods study conducted by a researcher teacher to understand the impact of a therapy dog working in a co-educational day school through two research questions: What are the social and emotional benefits of a school-wide dog-assisted wellbeing intervention for students? How does a dog-assisted wellbeing intervention influence students' motivation and affective engagement at school?

Place of Publication

Camberwell, Victoria


Australian Council for Educational Research

Geographic Subject

New South Wales


Sep 3rd, 12:00 AM Sep 4th, 12:00 AM

The impact of dog-assisted wellbeing interventions on student motivation and engagement in the school setting

This poster summarises a proposed mixed methods study conducted by a researcher teacher to understand the impact of a therapy dog working in a co-educational day school through two research questions: What are the social and emotional benefits of a school-wide dog-assisted wellbeing intervention for students? How does a dog-assisted wellbeing intervention influence students' motivation and affective engagement at school?


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